The Irish Seed Trade Association, ISTA, embraces fifteen companies in Ireland that represents 99% of cereal seed assembling. Since 1914, it has represented its members with government, farmers and end users to ensure that the systems and processes that are in place throughout the industry ensure the highest quality of certified seed, providing growers with a guaranteed standard of varietal purity, germination, and phyto-sanitary status.
The Irish market is distinct because of its unique climate and thus many of the varieties sold here are exclusive to Ireland. The ability to produce and market these varieties in Ireland is critically important to cereal growers throughout the country and ISTA plays a pivotal role in this.
Having the most up to date technology and equipment to produce the best genetic seed is a key focus of ISTA to ensure the best varieties of seed are made available.
The Irish Seed Trade Association was inaugurated in 1914. Its members represent the multipliers, producers and distributors of certified cereal seed in Ireland.
"Seed breeders, breeders' agents, seed merchants, the Irish Seed Trade Association, and the Department of Agriculture have worked together to create benefits for Irish farmers through the enhancement of seed genetics, the application of new and better seed dressing and the development of the potential of the seed in the ground."
Michael Phelan, Connolly’s Red Mills, and a Past-President of ISTA.